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Plan what to do in Akagera National Park rightly with our journey experts about this remarkable safari destination. Akagera National Park with its forest fringed lakes, papyrus swamps, savannah plains and rolling highlands combines to make the Park amongst the most scenic biodiversity reserve anywhere in Africa.

Our safari experts can guide you on what to do in Akagera National Park from Spot fishing excursions. Bird watching in Akagera is an important ornithological site with nearly 500 bird species. The rare and elusive shoebill shares the papyrus with other rarities such as the exquisite papyrus gonolek and countless other water birds that inhabit the wetlands in large numbers.

Take an amazing time visiting the Park as you spot lots of animals including big 5.

Saddle up and explore the beautiful wildlife park in Rwanda by choosing from a menu of what to do in Akagera from the extreme behind the scenes experience to night game drives and cultural village visit.

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The Park now also boasts a healthy population of buffalo, lion, elephant, giraffe, spotted hyena, zebra, topi, roan, eland and search for the elusive leopard among others. Guests are in position view a range of wildlife on expertly-guided game drives, walks and boating trips on both Lake Ihema and Lake Rwanyakazinga.

Tourists seeking a variation on the typical African safari should consider a boat trip in Akagera National Park, where they can drift along the forest-fringed body of water in the midst of hippos and crocodiles. For serious birders, this is a birding paradise and a boat trip is a must. Outings take place four times a day—at 7.30am, 9am, 3pm and 4.30pm. Non-scheduled, private trips can also be arranged.

The Park is home to an abundant array of unique and captivating wildlife and game, visitors are advised to explore other parks in Rwanda including Volcanoes National Park for an opportunity for a Rwanda gorilla safari to come face to face with the mountain gorillas and track the golden monkeys in Rwanda.

Guests are taken to Nyungwe Forest National Park to spot and track chimpanzees in Rwanda at the same time take on the most prolific, iconic canopy walk tour in Rwanda.

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