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Boat Ride Safari In Akagera National Park

Boat Ride Safari in Akagera National Park

Boat ride safari in Akagera National Park is such an exciting visitor activity that gets you the opportunity to explore what this magical water body has to offer. A boat ride along Lake Ihema or Lake Rwanyakazinga offers you a great chance to catch a glimpse at a huge concentration of hippos, crocodiles as they bask on the lake shores, water birds as well as the distinct vegetation cover. The unique birds to spot while on Boat ride safari in Akagera National Park include the elusive shoebill stork, papyrus gonoleks, ibis, herons, kingfishers, jacanas to mention but a few. Book Now

There are three pre-scheduled boat trips in Akagera National Park and these include; day, morning, and sunset all expose you to plenty of nature. Boat trips along Akagera National Park start at 7:30 am to 9:00 am in the morning and in the afternoon from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. However, private boat tours can also be arranged by the park management outside the normal schedule. Below are the among Lakes where boat ride safari takes place in Akagera National Park.

Lake Ihema is home to intense biodiversity and most significantly, a major refuge to a huge concentration of hippos, crocodiles, water birds that makeup part of the 550 bird species in Akagera National Park. Lake Shakani is notably one of a few exceptional lakes in Akagera National Park where fishing is accepted and boat riding takes place. Lake Shakani boasts of its huge concentration of hippos, bird species including the black-headed, and on its marshy western side, there are African jacanas, squacco heron, common moorhen, open billed stork, long-toed lapwing, and many others. The mammal species that live in and around the lake include impalas, bushbucks among others.

Lake Mihindi serves as an ideal spot for visitors who wish to look out for a variety of papyrus dwellers. The hippo beach in Lake Mihindi on the other hand offers an ideal ground for you to see many hippos and it also features among the 3 remarkable sites set for picnic tours. At this point, visitors are free to take a boat trip along the lake and explore aquatic life.

Lake Hago on the eastern shores with a chance to catch a glimpse at zebras, buffaloes, elephants, and hippos. Off from the lake, there is scenic vegetation offering refuge to a variety of wildlife although it can be challenging to spot them especially impalas, vervet monkeys, baboons and many others.

Lake Gishanju harbors diverse aquatic species including hippos, crocodiles, and water birds and as well, they also support several terrestrial species. It is set strategically in the northern part of Akagera National Park which is an ideal area for game viewing. A visit to Lake Gishanju offers visitors a chance to also explore the magnificent Mutumba hills with the opportunity to see a variety of wildlife species on the northern track including buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, birds, elephants, hyenas to mention but a few. Akagera National Park also features many other lakes that include Lake Birengero, Lake Murambi, Lake Kivumbi, Lake Murambya, Lake Rwanyakazinga, Kagera River and many others.

Have you always wanted to explore Rwanda more by visiting the Volcanoes National Park for gorilla trekking in Rwanda or opt to extend your visit to the Nyungwe Forest to visit the Chimpanzees and have a chance to stay at One & Only Nyungwe House. Do not miss out on such an epic stay and adventure during your visit to this remarkable country.

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