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Birds of Akagera National Park reside in and around Lakes, Savannah, and woodlands. They come in varied species, unique colors, sizes and shapes easy to spot them on a birding safari in Rwanda, you have about 50 percent to sighting a variety of them. A variety of birds to identify in Akagera National Park include the African fish eagle-that has the same appearance like that of American bald eagle, black headed weaver-can easily be spotted because of its bright yellow color, big red eyes and black hood.

Don’t miss African jacana-commonly spotted around freshwater ponds and lakes; lilac breasted roller, fork tailed drongo, saddle billed stork, white browed coucal, white faced whistling duck, long crested eagle, African grey hornbill, palm nut vulture, cattle egret, woodland kingfisher, little bee-eater, grey crowned crane, helmeted guinea fowl, marabou stork, bare faced go away bird, goliath heron, spur winged goose, African darter, osprey, long tailed cormorant, pin tailed whydah, red billed fire finch, white backed vultures, grey backed fiscal, common squacco heron, blue cheeked bee-eater, crowned lapwing, eastern grey plantain eater to mention but a few.

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birds of akagera

Africa Fish Eagle in Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park is not only home to a big five African games but also a major habitat to over 550 unique bird species. Akagera National Park is found in northeastern Rwanda at the border with Tanzania and extends up to 1122 square kilometres. It was established in 1934 to offer refuge to its diverse wildlife species including a variety of bird species. With over 550 bird species, Akagera National Park is a true birder’s paradise and for any plans to visit Rwanda, count it a must to visit and you won’t be left in regrets.

Different birds of Akagera National Park are best spotted along Lake Ihema, the best opportunity is to take on a boat safari with an expert bird guide walk the Nile, guided game drives, and others. Other wildlife species to see in Akagera National Park in addition to over 550 bird species include the big mammals African game-elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, rhinos as well as giraffes, zebras, hyenas, antelopes and many others.

Best time to go for spot various birds of Akagera National Park

Bird watching in Akagera National Park can be done at any time of the year. What is significant is that every season in Akagera National Park rewards birders with distinct bird species. The dry season which starts in the months of June, July, August, September and December, January, February reward birders with astonishing bird sights at of francolins and several wetland birds, owls, nightjars. The wet season especially around October is perfect for you to spot out lapwings and several grassland avifaunal species. From February to July, is a breeding period for most of the darters, herons, storks, cormorants whereas most migratory birds visit the park from November to April.

Birding elsewhere is Rwanda is very interesting especially in the massif Volcanoes National Park. Bird watching in Volcanoes gives visitors an opportunity to encounter over 300 bird species living in there and so far recorded. Nyungwe Forests is also a birding spot in Rwanda.

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